Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thessaloniki Day 2

Last night we returned to the White Tower area to experience Thessaloniki at night. It had a carnival-like atmosphere, complete with popcorn and cotton candy stands and "carnies" selling baubles and hovering around women's purses. It wasn't long before we were ready for bed, but before we "hit the hay" we drank Albanian coffee. I'd had it before at Linda's uncle's house, but this time Edo used my used cup to read my fortune. According to her, everything I'm wishing for will probably turn out how I want it to (sweet!), someone is jealous of me (ha!), and I'll have two children (uhhh...). Nifty, huh? 
This morning we met Edo and her friend Donjeta and headed out into the busy streets of Thessloniki. We wanted to see how Greek people live and behave, and by going through shops and restaurants we gained a better understanding. They seem to be pretty independent and mind their own business unless they're trying to sell you something (They like to break the ice by calling you Beyonce or Shakira). We toured the University of Sheffield and saw its versions of Champ, Hazel, and JCI, and even though the school has more students than Westminster, all of the rooms were very small. In fact, everything was in three levels of one building, which was sandwiched between other buildings along a street. Apparently the school is split into two buildings though, one for freshmen and sophomores and one for juniors and seniors. Linda and I walked around the city some more while Edo and Donjeta took an exam, and on the way back to the apartment we were caught suddenly by heavy rain. (see below). My fortune tells me that we'll be going out for coffee later.